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Take your business to the top

Whether you’re a CEO or a hard-working employee, PREM1R Executive coaching will help your business thrive. The ideal workforce is passionate, talented, and united; with the help of PREM1R, you ensure everyone at every level hit their mark.

Find The Spark


It is the ultimate cliche when describing oneself in a job interview; however, there is good reason that the “P”-word is thrown around nearly everywhere business is done. Are you looking to make money for the sake of making money… for your kids’ future… so you can buy more stocks? Whatever your reasoning, we help you find and engage your spark!

Hone Your Skills


Everyone has a skill but often we need to locate it, build it, or simply learn how to use it. Being open to new, old, and possibly mind-boggling ideas is essential when looking to grow our capabilities. PREM1R helps you shape your outlook so you can perform at the highest level. Remember, the best ability anyone can have is availability.

Grow Together


We all work as a team in the world, whether it be in-house with your co-workers or out of the house with another brand manager. We are all united. A policy of isolationism is not possible in the modern world and it is not advantageous either. A team that has individuals working for themselves to reach a goal can climb a hill, but a team that is working for each other can climb a mountain.


PREM1R Performance uses a tiered curriculum that builds self-accountability and confidence in performance-centric athletes. Big-picture reasoning is complimented by detailed study on individual tasks for long- and short-term results. Below is a myriad of touchpoints that we cover with each individual.

Discover. Develop. Execute. Win.

Find Your Coordinates


Phase I

  • Introduce course, goals, and participants
  • Recon of mental training background
  • Discover strengths/weaknesses/fears
  • Determine expectations of student-athletes
  • Question comfort zones and limits
  • Discover known ideologies and learn how to break through them
  • Understand the difference between Execution(short-term) and Development (long-term)
    success within a season
  • Explore the difference between listening and hearing and when to use each

Plot Your Course


Phase II

  • Why preparatory habits are important for achieving long-term success
  • Why personal energy management (sleep, nutrition, and exercise) is the foundation for maximizing potential
  • How consistency amplifies development
  • Find your “why” for competing
  • Create set-methodologies to rely upon during easy and/or tough times
  • How to recognize and apply gratitude in everyday situations
  • Become your own moderator; judging yourself on your own criteria and not allowing external factors dictate how you feel or act
  • How to overcome your perceived thoughts of how others feel about you
  • How to hold yourself accountable
  • How to embrace difficulty
  • How to develop a relentless mindset
  • Why not to be afraid of failure
  • Why it is important to focus on yourself before others in a team dynamic
  • Why every day is so important
  • A study of casual appropriation; how excuses breed toxic environments
  • Importance of education
  • Why developing timeframes for goals is crucial to success

Reach Your Destination


Phase III

  • How to transform development into execution
  • How to perform under pressure
  • Recognize what is controllable in a situation
  • Use your personal baseline to improve
  • Compare yourself to yourself
  • Understand leadership and why it is important that everyone else understands too

“I noticed Remi’s exceptional mental approach to not only his game but to how he conducted his life to achieve his goals. His example was inspirational which is why I speak with him weekly to help get me to my peak.”

Change Your Perspective

Time goes in one direction… forward. Are you in control of your life? Are you living inside of boundaries set by your own expectations or by others? Are you scared, happy, angry, sad, or anything? Regardless of any metric, everyone can use personalized coaching (yes even coaches).

Human beings are hard-wired to need adversity. Without it, we feel lost. Imagine a movie where everything is perfect, with no villain, no natural disaster, no quest. IT WOULD BE BORING! Choosing your adversity rather than having it surprise you is a small piece of personal coaching but it gives you immeasurable power over your life.

In-Person Meetings

Meeting in-person creates an emotional connection with the audience. Discussions face-to-face help build accountability in action which is a cornerstone to improving from your baseline. Together, we build a relationship that may extend to a virtual setting.

Virtual Meetings

During the initial phase of DISCOVERY, I review the expectations and tips on how to maximize your potential in a virtual setting. I challenge viewers to use the platform to practice and develop set methodologies which can be used at any time and in any place.

Learn what it takes to get to the top // and stay there